Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mommy, tell me a story...

After months of following the journey of a friend's premature baby via his blog, I have decided to venture out into the blogging world myself. As I have kept up with his battles and successes, I have realized what a gift his parents have given not only to all of us who care about him, but to Brendan himself. Some day he will be able to look back at all the entries and comments, and he will be able to see in print his life story. That is the driving force that has led me to this day. I want to be able to do the same thing for my girls, so when they have kids of their own who ask them, "Mommy, will you tell me a story about when you were little?" as Emmalee so often does, they won't have to struggle to remember different stories. The stories will be here for them. I invite you to join our journey through the days, weeks, months, and years ahead in Emmalee and Tori's lives. I won't promise to post daily or even weekly, but I will do my best. I hope, in time, my girls will see this as a gift as well.


Becky said...

We are humbled and honored that we could be your inspiration. So thank you! To me, every life is to be cherished and remembered... everyone is special. So we look forward to reading the O'Dell Girls story on your blog!
Brendan, Becky and Shaun