Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Catching Up...

So life has been really hectic here lately, and I have become something of a blogging slacker. Summer school zaps way more energy than the regular school days do, so when I get home I have little energy left except what is necessary to be mommy.

I enjoyed my brief time at home with the girls before returning to summer school. It was busy but fun. The girls did lots of playing, both inside and out. The best part is that they are now independent enough not to need me to play with them all the time. This helps when it comes time to fold laundry, fix lunch or dinner, or other random things I need to get done.

Ever since summer school started we have been even busier. Those updates appear in posts all to themselves. Here are a few pics form my brief time off. Only 14 more school days left until summer break for real!

The girls "tummy swinging" together

More "tummy swinging"

The girls discovered the faucet on the front of the house, all by themselves. We discovered they had discovered it just by luck-the windows in the kitchen were open and their belly laughs gave them away!