Saturday, September 25, 2010

1st Grade Begins

Where has time gone? Emmalee started first grade this year, and it seems like she should still be toddling around the house. She was ecstatic when she found out she got Mrs. Fox for 1st grade, but heartbroken when her BFF Lucy did not. Lots of tears were shed, which led this mama to do some quick thinking and set up a meeting place on the playground on the first day of school. Whew-crisis averted!!!

Emmalee and Daddy at Open House

Emmalee in front of the Dewey sign at Open House

Emmalee on the first morning of school

One very happy and excited first grader

In front of the Dewey sign as an official first grader
She is having a great year, learning lots of new things, and making lots of great friends! We LOVE 1st grade!!