Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Programs 2010

Now that Tori is in school, everything we have to do is multiplied by two; for example-Christmas programs. It seems like all we did was run, run, run the month of December. Emmalee's first grade program was the day before she turned seven, and she even had a speaking part. She nailed it, and she was even full of confidence!
Emmalee before the performance

Emmalee during her speaking part

Singing along

Emmalee and her bestie after the program

Tori before her program

Tori and Koby during the performance

There are some smiles...
She had the BEST time

In fact, they all did!
Tori and her buddy Koby after the program
Emmalee then performed a mini-cantata with the church choir. She isn't a big fan of choir, so this may have been her final performance. Only time will tell, I suppose...

Emmalee and the children's choir

A close up of Emmalee

And a final shot of our little choralier